Author: admin
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3 shutouts in a row!
RAMS win over Middletown South 5-0 in Public B Semis.
Not one puck has crossed the goal line with Gavin Einfeldt in net for the entire NJ Public B tournament this year. The defense and offense of the RAMS have done everything in their power (and remember they are the #1 public high school team in NJ) to keep the puck away from their goaltender (typically they nearly double the shots on goal compared to their competition), but that makes Gavin‘s performance even more remarkable.

This article could have been called RAMS STONEWALL DEFENSE.
Sofia, McNamara, Cislo and Cross make it near impossible for the opposition to get a clean shot on goal.
Last night at Codey Arena, Gavin faced 19 shots. Monday night he faced 18 shots and last Thursday he faced 6 shots. NONE SHALL PASS!!!
This year, the RAMS have won 8-0, 6-0 and now 5-0 to earn another chance to win the Finals at The Rock on Monday 3/9 @ 8:45pm.
Last year in the states, the RAMS had a similar performance, winning 9-1, 6-1 and 5-0 on the way to the finals.
Against South, Ben Yurchuk (“he’s a freshman!”) scored the opening goal with 34 seconds left in the first period, in the second, Nick Gallo scored and Evan Xhumba scored two, and in the third, Ben Yurchuk got free on a breakaway and scored the final goal. South’s goaltender, Sean Caswell, faced 30 shots.
And so, the RAMS have another chance to have a victory at Prudential Center. Three years in a row. Bring on Ridge!!!

With players like Cislo and Cross returning next year and plugging in players like Scott Kuridza (who hits like a truck) and Andrew Iglar (who left a MACK imprint on a Middletown player yesterday) in front of goalies Joey Yutsus and Niko Floris, the future looks bright for RAMS Varsity.
Some credits for these three games:
- Goal scorers: Evan Xhamba (5), Ben Yurchuk (4), Nick Gallo (3), Michael Sofia (2), Justin Harper, Kyle Barbera, JT Zangara, Chris Civetta, Matt Rogers.
- Assists: JT Zangara (7), Ben Yurchuk (6), Kyle Barbera (4), Nick Gallo (3), Ray McNamara (3), Matt Cislo (2), Chris Civetta (2), Mike Sofia (2), Justin Harper (2), Matt Rogers, Zach Gallo.
Captain Michael Sofia’s quote in the TAP into Randolph article bears repeating:
“Winning a state championship is something we will remember
forever. We are playing for everyone who has ever thrown on a Randolph
jersey, so we just want to come out and give it our all.”